Our Mission is to "Glorify God by helping all people advance in their journey with Christ".

From "neighbors to nations" - and we are on the move! Wherever He leads, we will go. We embrace Jesus’ heart to help the widowed and orphaned, visit the prisoner, heal the broken-hearted, and set the captive free--in our community and every community as we introduce the MastersRoad to as many weary travelers as possible.


On Mother’s Day of 2015, God invited Jason and Kelley to join Him in starting a new work, new church in Manvel, Texas. With gobs of grace, crazy faith, and steadfast courage, The Church on MastersRoad was launched on March 20, 2016. We deeply desire to glorify God by helping all people advance in their journey with Christ. Come and see if God is leading you to be a part of this growing church in this growing community.


The Trinity


There is only one living and eternal God. He reveals Himself to us as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who subsist in unity and also as three separate, but distinct Persons.
John 14:7-16

God the Father


God the Father providentially reigns governing His universe, His creatures, and the flow of human history. He is Father in truth and grace to those who become His children through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:26-27
Genesis 3:22
Psalm 90:2
Isaiah 40:28-29
Matthew 28:19
1 Peter 1:2
2 Corinthians 13:14

God as Son


Jesus Christ is God’s eternal Son who was born of a virgin as both God and man, lived a sinless life, died to atone for the sins of human beings, was buried, arose from the grave, ascended into heaven and will literally return to earth one day.
Matthew 1:22-23
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 53:5-6
John 1:1-5
John 14:10-30
Hebrews 4:14-15
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Romans 1:3-4
Acts 1:9-11
1 Timothy 6:14-15
Titus 2:13

God as Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit is the helper, assistant, counselor, and instructor of the triune Godhead. His work is to reveal Christ, convict of sin, lead to repentance, comfort, strengthen, sanctify the soul, and guide believers in worship, evangelism, and service.

2 Corinthians 3:17
John 16:7-13
John 14:16-17
Acts 1:8
1 Corinthians 2:12
1 Corinthians 3:16
Ephesians 1:13
Galatians 5:25
Ephesians 5:18



Human beings are the special creations of God, made in His image. Through the first man, Adam, man sinned against God and brought sin into humanity. As a result, all human beings are sinners and are in need of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross.
Genesis 1:27
Psalm 8:3-6
Isaiah 53:6a
Romans 3:23
Isaiah 59:1-2



Salvation is a gift from God to mankind and is free to all who will accept it. It involves the redemption of man through repentance and placing one’s faith in Jesus Christ. Every person who is truly saved will spend eternity in heaven.
Romans 6:23
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 14:6
John 1:12
Titus 3:5
Galatians 3:26
Romans 5:1



Baptism occurs by immersion in water after salvation and is done in obedience to the command of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes our death to sin, our burial of the old life, resurrection to walk in newness of life, and our faith in our Savior who was crucified.
Matthew 3:15-17
Acts 2:38

The Church


The church is a local body of believers. The New Testament speaks of the church as the body of Christ, which includes all people of all ages, with Christ as the Head.
Matthew 16:18
Acts 20:27-29
1 Corinthians 12:27-29
Ephesians 1:21-23
Ephesians 3:20-22
Ephesians 4:1-3
Ephesians 5:21-27
Colossians 1:17-19

The Bible


The Scriptures are God-breathed and written by men divinely inspired. It is God’s revelation of Himself to man and is an infallible, inerrant treasure of instruction and truth. God is its author, salvation is its end, and truth is its matter.
Psalm 119:105
Romans 15:4
2 Peter 1:20-21
2 Timothy 3:16

Our Leadership

Guaranteed by Jesus
Guided by Pastors and Staff
Guarded by Council and Elders
Gifted by the People

Our Pastor
Our Pastor

Jason, Kelley, Jadon, and Juel Lee



Daron & Deanna Decker


Sean & Kelly Kraft


Jason & Kelley Lee


Don & Tracey Peterson


Steve & Donna Venti

Pastors and Staff

Jason Lee

Lead Pastor

Jacob Agnew

Creative / Worship Pastor

Lalo Segovia

Student Pastor

Abby Olson

Kids Director

Troy Frederick

Church Administrator

Deanna Decker

Pastoral / Women's Ministry

Amanda Cole

Pastoral / Events

Brandon Kennard

Advanced Strategy

Michael Cole

Facility / Men's Ministry

Shelly Terry


Chelsey Agnew


Patti Shaw


John Mallett


Gayle Lee


Joli Briggs

Creative Content Coordinator

Madison MacMillan

Creative Communications Coordinator

Brooklyn Maloney

Kids Intern

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